
MIMS Curriculum Webinar

Thursday, July 18, 2019
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

The I School Director of Student Affairs, Siu Yung Wong, will discuss the interdisciplinary nature of the MIMS curriculum. He will share details about required and elective courses, program structure, and faculty. Please come prepared with any program and curriculum related questions you may have.

Student Panelist

Bomi Kim is a second year student focusing on product management, data analysis, and user experience research. Prior to joining the MIMS program, she received her B.A. in Business Administration and History from Sogang University and an MBA from UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business. Bomi has over 10 years of work experience as a Human Resources Senior Manager at Samsung's Engineering & Construction Group, and this summer, she is a Product Intern at Sauce Labs


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Last updated: July 12, 2019