Enabling e-Business Transformation


1-3 units

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Course Description

If you thought that eBusiness is dead, you are dead wrong! Be ahead of the curve — understand what happened, why it happened, and what will happen next. This course deals with major topics facing virtually every company Enabling eBusiness (EEB) Transformation, that is, how to transform a traditional company to a "new economy" company. It is argued that a primary cause of last year's downfall of the dot coms and the more established technology companies was the EEB deficiency — i.e., traditional companies were not sufficiently eBusiness enabled to create the critical mass of e-Commerce activity required to sustain and grow the new business sectors of the economy, and e-Markets in particular. Furthermore, we believe that what we are evidencing in the marketplace is a temporary setback and that the marketplace models and activity is bound to resume (though in a more sensible way and slower pace). This course is intended to provide the student with a general understanding of the issues involved in the EEB Transformation, and the intricate interplay among technology, business processes, people and management. A more in-depth analysis will be done in the context of specific business domains Business to Business (B2B) Trading, Customer Relationship Management, and Channel Integration. There will be extensive use of real-life cases and examples as well as guest speakers from industry.


Last updated: January 10, 2017