Information Course Schedule Summer 2011


Surveying history through the lens of information and information through the lens of history, this course looks across time to consider what might distinguish ours as “the information age” and what that description implies about the role of “information technology” across time. We will select moments in societies’ development of information production, circulation, consumption, and storage from the earliest writing and numbering systems to the world of Social Media. In every instance, we’ll be concerned with what and when, but also with how and why. Throughout we will keep returning to questions about how information-technological developments affect society and vice versa?

MWF 10-12:30 (Session D: July 5 - August 12) — 110 Barrows

Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: No prior New Media production experience required.  Introduction to interdisciplinary study and design of New Media. Survey of theoretical and practical foundations of New Media including theory and history; analysis and reception; computational foundations; social implications; interaction, visual, physical, and narrative design. Instruction combines lectures and project-based learning using case studies from everyday technology (e.g., telephone, camera, web).

MWF 10-12:30 (Session A: May 23 - July 1) — 202 South Hall

Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: Introductory programming experience. This course focuses on understanding the Web as an information system, and how to use it for information management for personal and shared information. The Web is an open and constantly evolving system which can make it hard to understand how the different parts of the landscape fit together. This course provides students with an overview of the Web as a whole, and how the individual parts it together. It provides students with the understanding and skills to better navigate and use the landscape of Web information.

MW 2-4:30 (Lab: F 2-4:30) (Session D: July 5 - August 12) — 202 South Hall
Instructor(s): Brad Andrews

Three hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week.  An introduction to high-level computer programming languages with emphasis on strings, modules, functions and objects; sequential and event-based programming. Uses the PYTHON language.

MWF 9-11:30 (Session D: July 5 - August 12) — 202 South Hall
Instructor(s): Ivan Tam